Frequently Asked Questions


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Consultation reports

With Cushla you can share your consultation notes confident that you are in compliance with GDPR. This section outlines the steps for the exporting of records which are then sent to the patient via email. The patient then loads into their Cushla app. It is expected that the systems will integrate directly over time.

Data security

Cushla processes all data, at every stage, in strict compliance with data protection and privacy legislation and related regulatory requirements.

Access to patient’s full medical history

In order to make informed decisions, you need to have all the necessary data. Now it’s easier with your patient being able to share all their past tests and treatment plans with a single click.

Tracking patients outcomes

Aside from having patient’s whole medical history in one place, you can also set up health surveys asking for details about patient’s well being and effectiveness of treatment.

Pre-visit medical interviews

With Cushla you can reduce appointment time usually dedicated to the administrative part. Cushla gathers all patient’s data necessary for registration, followed by a medical interview to streamline your work.

Online booking and billing

With Cushla mobile app your patients can book visits from the comfort of their own home. The billing happens straight after you confirm the visit.